Black Lace Escorts stands as the epitome of a premium, high-class escort agency in Sydney, exclusively catering to discerning gentlemen prioritising quality. Our escorts represent the absolute cream of the crop in Sydney, consistently presenting themselves immaculately groomed and perfectly poised for your date. They embody sophistication, confidence, warmth, friendliness, and stunning beauty. Prepare to be left utterly speechless!

Each member of our high-class escorts team has undergone rigorous selection, ensuring you are never disappointed. We take immense pride in the authenticity of our Sydney escort photos – they are 100% genuine, up-to-date, and meticulously verified by our team. At Black Lace Escorts, your satisfaction is always guaranteed.

Our pricing structure varies depending on your choice of high-class escort and the services you desire. Our services include the high-class Girlfriend Experience (GFE), an exhilarating and passionate Pornstar Experience (PSE), the thrill of an Escort Doubles booking, intimate Escort Dinner Dates at top-tier restaurants followed by dessert in the privacy of your hotel, an introduction to BDSM with a Kinky Escort, Bisexual Escorts, Couples Escorts, Touring Escorts, Overnight Escort Bookings, Roleplay, Extras, and much more.

As a general guideline, our Elite Sydney escorts typically charge between $500 and $1,000 per hour. Special rates or discounts may apply for multiple-hour bookings or arrangements involving multiple escorts.

Black Lace Escorts operates as Sydney’s premier high-class escort service, offering outcall services to all major Sydney hotels and select private residences around the clock, seven days a week.

Our high-class escorts are available for bookings by appointment only. We accept cash, bank deposits, and major credit cards as payment. Credit card conditions and surcharges may apply.

Suppose you need recommendations for accommodations, restaurants, or any other guidance while you visit Sydney. In that case, our team is delighted to help.

To arrange an unforgettable experience with Black Lace Escorts, dial us at 0400 774 488